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Sam Battalio

Junior Computer Science Major at the University of Notre Dame

  1. Open Source: Why it's important and what it means for a new developer

    Over this past summer, I have grown a bit of a summer fling. …

  2. Golang IRC Client

    This summer I got the opportunity to be able to work on an open source project “aws-nuke” ((link)[]). This was the push I needed to start learning and falling in love with Golang. From the walrus operator to goroutines, I have loved every second of learning this language. …

  3. Github Game of Life

    This past year I have worked a lot with AWS on Research and my summer internship, but I haven’t had much of a chance to really just play around with it. …

  4. Chadpaste: Pastebin made alpha

    This project started out as (hopefully you can tell by the site) as a joke. …

  5. Welcome to my Personal Site

    Welcome to my blog! This will hopefully get filled up with projects and posts as I go along. Stay tuned with my rss feed! …